Legacy Of Knightly Immortals [Loki]
Legacy Of Knightly Immortals [Loki] is a new PvE Guild designed and created for the purpose of training players, taking the Game to a higher level, and making Leaders ... The Guild will center around training its Members in leading Elite & non-Elite runs, Mission service running, making money efficiently, and with a moderate interest in Title Hunting and PvP ... [Loki] will be specializing in doing Runs with 1 less party max size to make room for service runs ...
Who am I? I am Loki ... Ive started the playing GW around November of 2006, have 9,000+ hours, I have beaten all campaign and expansion atleast 8 times ... My primary character is Fallen God Loki: Mesmer, my 2nd Legendary Defender of Ascalon, has God Walking Amongst Mere Mortals, and has FOW Armor ... Im 27 and a Psychology Major ... I'm fan of Futurama, Scrubs, Family Guy, etc ...
[Loki] will be organized and theme based to ensure organization, prestige, accountability, and fun ... the 1st main set of Principles or "Loki"'s of the Guild are:
Leadership - strive to become strong leaders of the game
Organization - become well organized to maximize efficiency
Kinship - develop bonds and friendships with other players
Impartialness - treat everyone and everything fairly in the game
Membership ranking will be classified as follow (using a Medieval theme):
Squires - New Members
Knights - Proven Members
Stewards - Officer Level
Lords/Ladies - Highest ranking Officers
Gods - the final Level
First and foremost before thinking about submitting an application to joining [Loki] are these requirements and maintenance task need to be considered for Membership and retained as permanent Members ... you will have one month to meet the requirements and to take entrance exams to move up to Knight
Squire Requirements:
1. must own all 3 campaigns
2. must have Hard Mode unlocked for all campaigns
3. must have a level 20 monk
4. ventrillo will be required for Elite areas and optimal communications
* every new Member will be on a two week trial period and be observed to see if they will be able to meet the requirements in time (see if they are making a real effort)
Knight Requirement (additional to Squires):
1. have a developed Monk: Monk that have been to all available access points for FOW and UW
2. have a completed Monk or have a rank 10 Norn for Ursan Blessing; Monk that has beaten all available campaigns
3. must be financially stable; show 100,000 gold
4. must be a competent player; entrance exams will test your skills
- must be able and willing to help other Members or on Guild functions on a regular basis
- lead or co-lead an Elite Run atleast once per every two weeks, 1 will be required before your permanent Member status
- recruit atleast one new Member every month once Knight status is obtained
You may submit an application either via a PM on Guru or in game to me, Fallen God Loki ...
- We are currently in my friend's Alliance which does UW Speed Runs multiple times daily, among other things ... we will remain with them while Im still developing the Guild ... we will be Kurzick for awhile since Im still kinda working on that title
* ventrillo and website communication is a must for optimal growth
** [Loki] is a branch of my original [SUN] Guild and will share its website and partake in its activities; [Loki] will be the Elite version of [SUN]; if you want to be in a more relaxed and less goal-oriented Guild, [SUN] is the better place for you .. [SUN] has 80+ Members
*** there are special Memberships also, including special 2-weeks training course for people who want to send their Guildies here to train only